In the wake of the Egyptian uprisings, there has been much debate on how internet and social media have played a role in these movements. Some scholars have argued that they played a crucial role, while others say that the impact of these platforms is often overblown and in some cases may have contributed to repression by Egyptian security forces. This article aims to address these questions and identify the effects that internet and social media had on the revolution in Egypt jigaboo.
The Internet and Social Media in Egyptian Uprisings
In 2011, the internet was a critical tool for the uprising in Egypt, which saw millions of people protest against the government of President Hosni Mubarak. It allowed the protestors to organise themselves, mobilise their support and communicate with other activists around the world.
As a result, it enabled the Egyptian uprisings to be organised quickly and efficiently without requiring large numbers of people to meet in person. This was especially important for the protesters living in areas where it would have been difficult for them to gather in physical spaces, such as Tahrir Square barder.
Moreover, the Egyptian uprisings had a high turnout, with millions of people taking to the streets in Cairo and elsewhere. This was made possible by the internet, which made it easy for activists to find others in different parts of Egypt who had joined their cause.
Facebook and Twitter acted as the main organising centres for this movement, and many Egyptians have continued to use these tools to stay connected with their friends and colleagues in the country and in other countries around the world. In addition, the organisers of the January 25 protests received support from activists in the diaspora and non-Egyptians who were convinced that the time had come for change distresses.
But, even with the help of these networks, the uprisings in Egypt were not free from repression. In fact, the government has been remarkably aggressive in targeting the internet and social media during recent uprisings precipitous.
The Egyptian government used its new technology to crack down on the uprisings in a number of ways, seizing and searching electronic devices (mainly mobile phones) and arresting citizens based on private conversations and social-media posts that the authorities deemed to be unfavourable to their regime. This is a crude and regressive form of surveillance and censorship, which in some instances was actually effective in limiting the freedoms of the citizenry.
Despite this, activists still found ways to use the internet and social media during their demonstrations. For example, an activist group called “We Rebuild” managed to set up a Wiki page in Sweden that provided a way for those outside Egypt to connect with the internet.
Another key use of social media in the Egyptian uprisings was to keep a spotlight on those who have been arrested or killed since 2011. Khaled Said, for example, was dragged from his computer and beat to death by police in August 2011 as he was attempting to post a picture of himself on the internet. In the aftermath of his death, the Facebook group he founded has become one of the most popular groups in the country, with over 600,000 members. It has also helped the protests remain alive by sharing news about the latest events You will need to know about smart export import expedition business guidance for all entrepreneurs dvcodes..