The average motorcycle engine lasts for about 20,000 miles and is easy to maintain, but sometimes it needs replacing. If the maintenance intervals are exceeded, you’ll need to pay for a replacement. A standard rule for replacement is three hundred and seventy miles, but synthetic oils are more durable and can last up to five thousand miles. To keep your motorcycle running smoothly, make sure to replace the oil at regular intervals.
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The price of rebuilding an engine is determined by several factors, including the condition of the motorcycle’s bottom end. If it’s in decent condition, you may be able to save money by rebuilding only the top end. If it’s in bad condition, you may need to replace the entire engine. A full rebuild can cost up to $1,300, so you should budget for it carefully.
If you’re able to rebuild your engine, you can save a lot of money. For example, a piston replacement costs around $260, which includes new rings, circlips, head and base gaskets, and a freshly honed cylinder. But if the top end is badly damaged and requires machine work, you can spend up to $900 to replace it with OEM parts.
When tearing down an old engine, you’ll have to remove the fuel tank and disassemble various components. Then, the mechanic will examine the frame and engine mounting plates. Then, they’ll replace parts and reassemble the bike. A complete engine rebuild can take several hours. The entire process can take up to eight weeks. Remember, this is no fun at all! If you’re not comfortable with all of this, don’t do it yourself.
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