In case you have been wondering when did destiny 2 come out, you’ve come to the right place. This article will give you all the information you need to play the newest instalment of the popular video game franchise. We’ve included a few key facts for you to keep in mind before the game’s release. Listed below are some other helpful hints you can use to get started playing Destiny 2 right away.
Beyond Light is one of the most important expansions in the series. This expansion introduces a new planet – Europa – where mysterious Pyramid ships can be found. The Stranger makes a triumphant return as well, with Darkness-based subclasses for each of the core classes. Despite the many improvements, fans are still left with plenty to discover in this expansion. This is an important game to pick up, and fans should plan on spending plenty of time playing it.
While both versions of Destiny are released at the same time, the PlayStation 4 version of the game includes extra Strike, Crucible maps, and other content that won’t be available on other platforms for at least a year. Despite these differences, Bungie has said that this content will be available on both platforms by the end of 2018.