The traditional university is at a critical crossroads: do they transform into new kinds of entities, or do they improve their current operations in ways that increase their efficiencies and capabilities? Alternatively, they can do nothing in the hope that something will come along later, or continue to hold onto the outdated belief that they will remain invulnerable. What is the future of higher education? Let’s explore the possibilities and see what is needed to get there.
Increasingly, students are taking a more active role in shaping their own futures, and institutions are responding. Creating a collaborative environment and collaborating with corporate partners can help students achieve their professional goals. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused curricula to change, and teaching methods are changing to match the new challenges. Universities are embracing innovative solutions to increase student engagement and foster a sense of belonging. For example, interactive online activities, daily trivia questions, and contactless pick-up activity kits can help students get involved and stay motivated, while also fostering better learning outcomes.
In 10 years, faculty roles will be replaced by celebrity free agents and course hackers. Teaching methods will be personalized, and the curriculum will focus more on competency-based learning and lifelong learning. The traditional academic setting will still exist, but the market for online learning will increase exponentially. If higher education doesn’t evolve into a more personalized, customized environment, it will not survive. It will simply evolve into a different paradigm.