A successful blog post should be engaging for the reader. This is especially important if you want to attract more traffic. A great way to do this is to incorporate images and graphics into your posts. If you can, use images that relate to your topic, whether it’s a funny ending or a call to action (CTA).
Pre-writing is an effective way to organize your thoughts and avoid rambling throughout your post. It’s also a good idea to write as you would speak, which can include one-word sentences and sentence fragments. This is perfectly fine, as it adds a human feel to the post. A few typos are acceptable. Just remember to make them in the right places. This way, readers will be more apt to engage with your post.
After drafting a first draft, proofreading comes next. Proofreading involves fixing any clerical errors and reading the post aloud to spot any problems with the tone or flow. After proofreading, editing is the next step. A title tag will be displayed in search engine results, so it’s a good idea to keep the tag under 60 characters and use your primary keyword. Aside from keywords and titles, the title tag should also include your primary keyword.
As far as formatting is concerned, the best blog posts are those that solve a problem for the reader. They contain clear actionable steps for the reader to follow. The more concrete the actionable steps, the more likely readers will return to your blog for more. Avoid writing large blocks of text – most readers will skim through the first sentence and move on to other posts. Instead, write small, short paragraphs, containing no more than three sentences. Some bloggers even publish a single sentence – if it’s visually appealing.