Popcornflix is an over-the-top service and website. It is owned by Screen Media Ventures, which was acquired by Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment in 2017. It allows people to stream movies and TV shows, as well as watch movies on their computers. But what makes this service unique? Read on to discover the pros and cons of Popcornflix. You might want to give it a try, too. If you aren’t sure whether Popcornflix is for you, watch these 5 facts first.
First, you’ll want to know that Popcornflix doesn’t offer paid accounts. That’s because it allows users to stream content without signing up. Streaming is synced across all your devices, and you can create a watchlist of future movies and TV shows to watch. Popcornflix is similar to Sony Crackle, another over-the-top service. Both are ad-supported, but Popcornflix’s main advantage is its accessibility.
The only drawback to Popcornflix is its advertising strategy. It does have ads on its website, but they are shorter and occur during the movie streaming process. These advertisements are typically 15 to 20 seconds in length and only show up for a short period of time. The ads will also appear at the beginning of each movie. If you’re looking to watch a long-form film, Popcornflix isn’t for you.
One of the best ways to unblock Popcornflix is to use a VPN. A VPN is a powerful tool to hide your IP address and keep your activities private. VPNs can make the difference between being able to watch Netflix in the US and having to deal with geo-blocking. A VPN is the best choice for this because it doesn’t have a time limit and offers unlimited bandwidth. Using a VPN won’t get you banned for watching Popcornflix and other online streaming services.