How to write an essay about an examination can be a daunting task. Many students don’t know what to write about, or how to answer the questions that may be asked of them. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your essay. Start by identifying the type of question you’re being asked. There are two main types of essay questions: matching questions and multiple choice questions. In order to get the most marks possible, you must answer questions in a manner that is both factual and concise.
Exam questions usually ask you to sum up a specific source and paraphrase it. Sometimes you’ll need to interpret something and explain its significance. Other questions may ask you to paraphrase a work of literature. Whatever the case, you’ll have a specific question to answer. Using a guide or sample exam questions is essential. Make sure to read through as many sample questions as possible to prepare. While practicing, keep in mind to use your writing strengths.
After identifying the main idea of the essay, you can proceed to writing the body. The body of the essay should be organized, with each topic sentence linking to the main idea. Make sure to incorporate transition words to tie all the ideas together. The conclusion should show your main point and prove the thesis. The use of supporting evidence can make the difference between an A B. Be sure to reread the questions or the essay question several times before you submit it.