A retirement guide will help you make sure that you’re prepared. It contains action items, advice, and resources to help you through the different stages of your career. It can also serve as a reference if you’re unsure of where to start. This guide will be a good tool to use when you’re in your 40s and 50s. It will help you set goals and make informed decisions about your future. You’ll also be better prepared for retirement when you’ve read it.
The first step is to contact your retirement board and ask for a copy of your guide. The staff can answer your questions and help you determine if you’re eligible for benefits. The guide also explains how to claim these benefits. If you’re working for the public sector, contact your retirement board to learn about your rights and benefits. If you’re retired, you can get help with claiming benefits through the state retirement system. The retirement board staff can help you navigate the system and ensure that you’re eligible for your benefits.
If you’re on Medicare, check with your employer about the options available to you. You can keep your existing plan or switch to another medical plan once you’ve retired. However, you should keep in mind that your prior coinsurance and deductibles will not transfer to your new plan. Another option is to sign up for an HSA, or Health Savings Account, and contribute to the plan through the vendor’s website. You can also consult with your tax advisor to determine whether this option is right for you.