Before selling a car in Dubai, there are certain documents you must present. If you are selling a car in the name of an individual, you must have the UAE ID, the mulkiya (vehicle registration card), the original passport copy, and residence visa. You must also have proof of payment of outstanding fines and penalties. You must also ensure that the dealer is trustworthy. You can also add a clause to the contract that allows the dealership to advertise the vehicle. When you receive the sales agreement, you may then decide whether to proceed with the sale.
While private advertisements offer you the best price in the UAE, they also involve a lot of hassle. For example, you will have to wait for calls, conduct test drives, and deal with haggling buyers. This can be time-consuming and may only yield a small profit. For this reason, you should try to sell your car using an official dealer in the UAE. Besides, private advertisements do not require you to fill out paperwork, and often the buyer pays a higher price for a car.
The documents you need to sell a car in Dubai are various, depending on your specific needs. For example, if you are selling a second-hand car, you must provide proof of sale. For second-hand vehicles, you should get a comprehensive inspection report and the relevant paperwork. Before deciding to buy a used car, you should check that it is free of any outstanding fines. The Dubai Police website has an online facility that allows you to check on the progress of fines quoteamaze