CybrHome makes it easier to explore the internet. It gives you the power to discover new websites, blogs, and apps, all in one place. You can browse or search for specific topics, such as “shopping” or “food.”
The discovery engine of CybrHome is backed by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. It has a global user base and is used by people from over 100 countries, with a large percentage of users coming from India and the US. It was built on the Microsoft Azure cloud, and Ashish Gupta joined the team as a full-time co-founder and CTO. Today, it has millions of users and continues to grow.
In addition to helping people discover new blogs and websites, Cybrhome also helps users download free and paid television series and movies. Simply type in “download TV series” in the search bar and a website will be returned. All three websites allow users to download free movies and TV series. There are more than 100 million registered users worldwide, so there’s always something to entertain you. There are also numerous blogs and forums, as well as the ability to share your knowledge with other members.
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