If you’re looking for the best stream albums of all time, this list is for you. There are so many great ones out there that it’s hard to choose which ones we like best. So here is our complete stream compilation… Read more The best games of 2016 Go here if you’re a fan of game design, programming, or gaming in general. If you love video games and your friends do too, then this list is for you! You may have heard about or played a lot of the major hits last year. Whether you’re a new player or an old aficionado, this list of the most brilliant games of 2016 has something for everyone. From classic titles to modern classics, we have it covered here at Best Games Of 2016. Read more Wrath Of The Titans: The Bruce Lee Story (PC) – Dark Horse Comics This wasn’t supposed to be any ordinary box-set experience—a sci-fi epic with some political undertones was never what I was going for when choosing a title for my media stack. When I discovered Dark Horse Comics back in the Fall of 2013, though, I knew right away that my aspirations were fulfilled. The comics company known for its gritty dark style has developed some stellar lineups over the years—including their fantastic run on Batman Returns—and this deluxe box set is no exception.
The Division 2: Blackheart’s Bay
My pick for best game of 2016? Probably not. But let’s be fair, it’s got to be at least in the top five. It’s a tactical role-playing game with elements of real-time strategy, and it’s one of the best games of 2016 in every way. It’s definitely a must-have for any RPG collection, and I recommend heading over to the EB Games Store or Amazon to buy it now. Read more
Monster Hunter World
This is the most anticipated title of the year, and as such, it got the most love. The first game of the genre in years, Monster Hunter World takes the series in a different direction, giving users control of a huge variety of monster types, from alligators to the flying Kraken. It’s one of the best games of all time, hands down. Read more
Far Cry 5: Legendary Edition
This is the one game that everyone will definitely be discussing for months to come. Back in December, Ubisoft revealed that the Far Cry franchise would be getting another entry in the series, titled Far Cry 5: Legendary Edition. It was a major update, adding new content and features for the game, including an entirely new battle system and a massive new map called “Lanfear Hollow.” The expansion pack also came with a brand-new “mission,” “grotto,” and “raid” system that let players create unique, branching off-road strategies. Read more
Confirm Your Vote For This 1st Place Play Of The Year!
We know this is a major year for video games, but while we were all waiting to see this year’s Best Best Contests and Reviews, we thought we’d throw in the towel and celebrate the best games of 2016 with a final list of our favourite games. What are your gaming favourites of 2016? Let us know in the comments section below! Read more
The Division 2: Blackheart’s Bay
This is the one game that everyone will definitely be discussing for months to come. Back in December, Ubisoft revealed that the Far Cry series would be getting another entry in the series, titled Far Cry 5: Legendary Edition. It was a major update, adding new content and features for the game, including an entirely new battle system and a massive new map called “Lanfear Hollow.” The expansion pack also came with a brand-new “mission,” “grotto,” and “raid” system that let players create unique, branching off-road strategies. Read more
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition” – Bethesda Game Studios We know this is a major year for video games, but while we were all waiting to see this year’s Best Best Contests and Reviews, we thought we’d throw in the towel and celebrate the best games of 2016 with a final list of our favourite games. What are your gaming favourites of 2016? Let us know in the comments section below! Read more
The Division 2: Blackheart’s Bay
This is the one game that everyone will definitely be discussing for months to come. Back in December, Ubisoft revealed that the Far Cry series would be getting another entry in the series, titled Far Cry 5: Legendary Edition. It was a major update, adding new content and features for the game, including an entirely new battle system and a massive new map called “Lanfear Hollow.” The expansion pack also came with a brand-new “mission,” “grotto,” and “raid” system that let players create unique, branching off-road strategies. Read more
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition” – Bethesda Game Studios We know this is a major year for video games, but while we were all waiting to see this year’s Best Best Contests and Reviews, we thought we’d throw in the towel and celebrate the best games of 2016 with a final list of our favourite games. What are your gaming favourites of 2016? Let us know in the comments section below! Read more
The Division 2: Blackheart’s Bay
This is the one game that everyone will definitely be discussing for months to come. Back in December, Ubisoft revealed that the Far Cry series would be getting another entry in the series, titled Far Cry 5: Legendary Edition. It was a major update, adding new content and features for the game, including an entirely new battle system and a massive new map called “Lanfear Hollow.” The expansion pack also came with a brand-new “mission,” “grotto,” and “raid” system that let players create unique, branching off-road strategies. Read more web series review.
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition” – Bethesda Game Studios We know this is a major year for video games, but while we were all waiting to see this year’s Best Best Contests and Reviews, we thought we’d throw in the towel and celebrate the best games of 2016 with a final list of our favourite games. What are your gaming favourites of 2016? Let us know in the comments section below! Read more
The Division 2: Blackheart’s Bay
This is the one game that everyone will definitely be discussing for months to come. Back in December, Ubisoft revealed that the Far Cry series would be getting another entry in the series, titled Far Cry 5: Legendary Edition. It was a major update, adding new content and features for the game, including an entirely new battle system and a massive new map called “Lanfear Hollow.” The expansion pack also came with a brand-new “mission,” “grotto,” and “raid” system that let users create unique, branching off-road strategies. Read more filmik.
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition” – Bethesda Game Studios We know this is a major year for video games, but while we were all waiting to see this year’s Best Best Contests and Reviews, we thought we’d throw in the towel and celebrate the best games of 2016 with a final list of our favourite games. What are your gaming favourites of 2016? Let us know in the comments section below! Read more
The Division 2: Blackheart’s Bay
This is the one game that everyone will definitely be discussing for months to come. Back in December, Ubisoft revealed that the Far Cry series would be getting another entry in the series, titled Far Cry 5: Legendary Edition. It was a major update, adding new content and features for the game, including an entirely new battle system and a massive new map called “Lanf