When my husband was away at basic training last year, a text from him popped up on my phone. In it, he wrote that I’d been asked to have an audiometric test to see if I could hear. How could I not answer? The truth was, I had issues with hearing since childhood. Though there were times when the world had become so loud that the silence around me seemed like it would break at any second. But even after I learned how to manage the noise and keep it under control, hearing problems continued to haunt me. Some days were worse than others; sometimes when I’d first wake up in the morning, a ringing in my ears would be so loud that it would take everything in me not to panic over it until we got back home later that day.
What does an audiometric test entail?
An audiometric test is a medical procedure that allows audiologists to get a good look at your hearing ability. It does this by taking a look at your hearing ability in a variety of different environments and situations. In order to do this, you’ll be asked to:
- Listen to sounds while you’re awake, while you’re sleeping, while you’re in the bathroom, and while you’re driving.
- Receive sounds that are inaudible to the average person (like sounds in the frequency range of a dog whistle or siren, or sounds that are in another language).
- Answer questions and perform other tasks while you’re wearing a microphone and headphones. Your audiologist will record all of this data so they can create a report about your hearing abilities.
Diagnosing hearing problems is tricky
Hearing problems are often easy to identify but to diagnose them as a medical condition can be tricky. If you have a hearing problem that’s causing you significant problems in your life, you can get help from a hearing care professional. But it’s also possible that you just have really, really bad hearing and don’t even realize it. That’s what happened to me. I had so much noise in my head that I actually couldn’t hear my hearing aids when I put them in. That’s why I needed the test.
Hearing aids are the best option for some people
If you have a hearing loss that’s mild, you may not need hearing aids. However, if you have a significant loss in a certain frequency, you may find that hearing aids are crucial to your communication. Hearing aids are a great option for people with certain conditions. People who have had ear damage from prolonged exposure to loud noises can often benefit from hearing aids. They can also help people with hearing loss that’s caused by aging, such as hearing loss caused by years of exposure to loud noises. Hearing aids can also help people with hearing loss caused by infections like meningitis, otitis media, or otosclerosis when the hearing loss is caused by the buildup of earwax in the ear. Hearing aids are also useful when there’s a fluctuation in hearing loss that makes it difficult to get the context behind what someone says.
Things to Know Before Your Hearing Aids Appointment
- Make sure you have your audiogram report and copy of your audiogram with you when you go to your hearing aid appointment.
- Make sure to bring your audiogram report with you if you want to look over it while you’re there.
- Make sure that your insurance company covers hearing aids.
- Make sure that you know what kind of hearing aids you want before you go to the appointment.
What Happens During a Hearing Aid Consultation?
- You’ll go over your audiogram report and your audiogram with your audiologist or doctor.
- You may also be offered some free hearing aid fittings.
- You’ll also be able to ask any questions you have about the different hearing aid models.
- You may also want to consider seeing New Hampshire Hearing Institute audiologists or doctors who specialize in hearing aid fittings and dispensing.
What to Expect During a Hearing Aid Consultation?
- You’ll be asked to put some earwax in a jar.
- You’ll also need to clean your ear with an earwax removal solution.
- You’ll be fitted with one of the hearing aid models that your audiologist or doctor has recommended.
- You’ll also get a chance to try out the hearing aid in your other ear.
- You may also be given headphones to try plugging into your phone to see if they work for you.
Tips for Successful Hearing Aids Wear
- Make sure to keep your hearing aids clean.
- Make sure that your hearing aids are properly fitted.
- Try not to wear your hearing aids too tightly around your head.
- Make sure to take off your hearing aids every once in a while to let your ears rest.
When you can’t hear, it can be scary and confusing. But it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with you; it just means that the world is really, really loud. Hearing tests are helpful to figure out if there’s a problem, but they aren’t the only way to test your hearing. You can also use a sound level meter to test exactly how loud your environment is. If you have a hearing problem, you have options. You can get hearing aids, which can help you hear better and communicate better when you have them. You can also if you want to, see a professional and get your hearing tested. There are things you can do to make it easier for your hearing aids to work. You can keep them clean, wear them properly, and make sure the volume on your phone is low. This will make sure that your hearing aids will be able to hear what’s going on around you.