With high-profile jobs in artificial intelligence, cyber security, and quantum computing, Australia’s future in this sector looks bright.
The country’s proximity to emerging markets and highly-educated workforce have all contributed to the growth of the tech industry in Australia. And with the country’s strong position in global markets, technology is expected to grow by an impressive A$244 billion by 2031.
The technology sector has a huge growth potential and will overtake the primary industries’ contribution to the country’s GDP in the coming decade. It is one of the biggest creators of quality jobs in Australia.
Australian tech jobs are vital to the success of tech firms and create broader job opportunities by hiring non-tech support occupations in support roles. And because technology is used in nearly every aspect of business operations, the country has a huge pool of highly skilled tech workers.
The current Australian government is making an effort to modernize its technology sector. With an increasing number of skilled professionals arriving in Australia each year, the country has seen a dramatic increase in its demand for these highly-skilled professionals.
Furthermore, the country’s favorable business climate is an added benefit. Many young Australians have left the country to pursue a career or an education in foreign countries. While these trends are a good thing for the country’s economy, it is important to remember that Australia is only one of the countries where these professionals are settling down.
One key to the growth of Australian technology companies is the creation of good technology products. The founders of companies like Canva and Atlassian were technically-oriented, while most Australian startups are not.
Without the technical expertise needed to ensure technical excellence, it is hard to see how these companies were able to grow and thrive. So how can Australia attract and retain these tech workers? In short, Australia needs to invest more in its technology sector to ensure it stays competitive and continues to attract the best talent.
The Australian government has made a significant investment in the quantum future. It has named quantum technologies a priority area of focus and will establish a Quantum Commercialisation Hub to support innovative research and develop new products. Meanwhile, CSIRO’s Quantum Technologies Future Science Platform will accelerate the development of quantum technologies.
The Australian government has invested in these technologies, including the creation of the Quantum Computing and Communication Technology Centre. In addition, Google is deepening its collaboration with Macquarie University’s Centre for Quantum Engineering. This research institute focuses on understanding the complex aspects of quantum science.
As the world’s population ages, the need for better skills will only grow. In fact, Australia has a wealth of technology talent.
High-quality graduates with strong technical skills can make a real difference in the future. In this era of technological advancement, the Australian government must continue to invest in research and education, and invest in training and infrastructure. The country must also ensure that its citizens are protected from cybercrime.